Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Final Meeting

Today was our last meeting before our presentation tomorrow.
I wrote the script to be used last night, and today we recorded the vocals, after booking out an MP3 recorder from media services, it was decided that Adam's voice was more "museumy" than mine, so he was used as the voice over artist for the video.

No problems putting the animation into Adobe Premiere and creating the video. However, the vocals did run longer than the video, we sorted this out by looping the video. This was actually a blessing in disguise, as the camera in the video now focus' on each separate part of the pump as Adam discusses it.

Although the members of my group wouldn't have been my personal choice, I feel we worked well together, and all tasks were divided evenly between each of us, this made the module run smoothly! Overall I'm happy with the final video and hope that we receive a good grade for it!